„Innenhof“ unsrer Hotelanlage im Inle-See. Draussen führt eine Bootsautobahn vorbei, d.h., mehr Dieselmotorenlärm als Idylle.
Wirathu: ‘Delightfully proud’ to have defended Buddhism
I am against Jihadism but not against all Muslims. The Rohingya are Jihadists and so are the Islamic extremists and those plotting to conquer our country under the 786 banner. My activism is focused against them, but not the people who live in peace.
Arrests made for possessing Bangladesh phone numbers
The military battalion 345 has been extorting money from villagers in the Hashurata area at Northern Maungdaw on charges of having Bangladeshi mobile phones. Locals say that the men were arrested and tortured in military custody until their families paid a huge amount of money to the authorities.
Government wary of religious extremism: Thein Sein
President Thein Sein has acknowledged the dangers of religious extremism in the country. In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Times, he admitted the problematic presence of religious extremists when the newspaper questioned him about the rise of violent Buddhist nationalism.
UN says Myanmar releases more than 400 child soldiers
The releases are part of a deal signed in 2012 between the former pariah state and the UN to end such recruitment and use of children. On Friday, the military — known as the Tatmadaw — freed 42 soldiers who were under 18 years old when the UN deal was signed, bringing the total number released in the last 12 months to 418. „This is a record number of children coming out of the Armed Forces, reflecting the accelerated efforts of the Government of Myanmar and the Tatmadaw to put an end to the harmful practice of recruiting and using children,“ said Renata Lok-Dessallien, UN resident coordinator in Myanmar.
Myanmar: Top 10 Places You Must See
Even before the days of British colonialism and the ‘exotic east’ writings of luminaries like Rudyard Kipling, Somerset Maugham and George Orwell, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) had long been a place of mystery and allure. With its legendary kingdoms, gorgeous landscapes, diverse people and fine examples of architectural and archaeological marvels, how could it not? These days, having re-joined the global community after 50 years of infamy at the hands of a ruling military junta, the Golden Land finds itself jumping onto an ever increasing number of traveler’s bucket lists. (Entspricht in etwa unserer Tour.)