There are some people who never feel the urge to leave the house. They’re content to stay in the city they came from, the couch they sit on, and the 360 degrees that immediately surround them.
Whether you call it wanderlust, a love of travel or regular old curiosity – the fact remains the same: Your hunger to explore simply cannot be quenched, no matter how many vacations or journeys you take.
Destinations require plans, and you’re not into the whole planning thing. Plans insinuate an underlying, and from your experience, traveling without one always leads to more excitement.
You’ve been this way for as long as you can remember which probably dates back to your first few trips growing up.
According to recent scientific claims, it may have been embedded in your DNA, even before that. (The Wanderlust Gene: Why Some People Are Born To Travel)
Ich hab’s geahnt, meine Lust auf Veränderung ist genetisch bedingt. Ich bin höchst wahrscheinlich Träger von DRD4-7R.
Sie übrigens nicht, lässt sich jedoch durch mehr oder weniger rationale Argumente meinerseits in Richtung Wanderlust überzeugen, was unterwegs ein perfektes Teamwork ergibt.
According to LoPorto, while carriers of this genetic variant might be “incredibly resourceful, pioneering, creative,” and more predisposed for wanderlust, they also might be “utterly out of control.”
PS:Vielleicht habe ich einfach nur mehr Neandertaler als sie in meinen Genen:
The DRD4 7R gene makes you think like a Neanderthal. If you’ve got this Neanderthal gene activated, you become sensation-seeking, risk-taking, impulsive, and highly creative. You don’t think like modern humans, you „think differently.“ Welcome to the tribe. We’re ADHD, bipolar, addictive personalities.
Noch ein Link zum Thema: National Geographic – Restless Genes